Think I sent this site over to you. In any case I also sent it to my cousin in NYC.He replied that on his way to work he saw him peeling potatoes. Think I will go out on Main St. in our country metroplis and peel some potatoes. Better than looking at the stock market. Too wild a ride these days. Grandpa T
wow aaron! that will be you one day, and by that i mean old and wrinkly! haha :)
oh, and you BETTER blog a lot little buddy.
Im trying ally and thanks about the old and wrinkly-ness but... at least ill be rich
aaron you spelled ill not i'll. and nice video
Think I sent this site over to you. In any case I also sent it to my cousin in NYC.He replied that on his way to work he saw him peeling potatoes. Think I will go out on Main St. in our country metroplis and peel some potatoes. Better than looking at the stock market. Too wild a ride these days.
Grandpa T
Wow... this was a cool video! There's hope for the hard workers in America!
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