Get Chitika eMiniMalls

Saturday, October 4, 2008

my first post

An American pioneer Joe Ades makes his living off pedaling  Potato Peelers. This may sound funny,
but he lives in New York, Park Ave.. Much more than living in San Diego. 


ally said...

wow aaron! that will be you one day, and by that i mean old and wrinkly! haha :)
oh, and you BETTER blog a lot little buddy.

Aaron said...

Im trying ally and thanks about the old and wrinkly-ness but... at least ill be rich

Unknown said...

aaron you spelled ill not i'll. and nice video

Mema said...

Think I sent this site over to you. In any case I also sent it to my cousin in NYC.He replied that on his way to work he saw him peeling potatoes. Think I will go out on Main St. in our country metroplis and peel some potatoes. Better than looking at the stock market. Too wild a ride these days.
Grandpa T

Anonymous said...

Wow... this was a cool video! There's hope for the hard workers in America!