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Monday, November 3, 2008

guess what the picture means

guess the pictures meaning: find the funniest meaning.


Stefany said...

I can guess, I can guess. But since I was there you dont want me to. We will see if more people come up with your theory or mine.

By the way -- Aaron found this on an old shed behind his school. He talked me in to going back there to take this picture.

ally said...

how many times the gerbil came out of the hole, and how many times each person hit it?

Stefany said...

GERBIL ??!?!?!? LOl. I love you Ally. Gosh I miss you !

franzi said...

yeah, i stick to ally's theory. but i think its a hamster. or a mole. do you know what it really means?

Aaron said...

the real meaning is the workers at my school kept track of how many gophers they killed, mike is in the lead mcgaugh is second and hawk is last with1 kill.=)

Mema said...

Way Cool. I'll get grandpa to guess, before I show him the answer. he'd like to do this with the squirrels out back at the bird feeders. Although, after about 5 years he finally got one and felt so bad, he hasn't tried much anymore with the BB gun.