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Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Holy poo! Geez just when I thought the stock market was in the dumper It still goes to Its lowest common denominator. The hardest part about the stock market for me is that i cant buy anything. I have to just sit and wait till some of my high priced stocks sell off!I mean its like trying to sell ice cream to Eskimos. also as you can see i put a new widget. If the link doesn't work for you email me at aarpike @ gmail dot com(remove all the spaces). Id really love it if some one would do updown with me.

i learned a new thing today its called the rule of 72, divide 72 by the yield or rate of return. dividing 72 by the yield will give you a number of how long it will take to double your money even if the stock doesn't change! Cool huh...

more cool stuff

An accidental high yielding stocks.

more stocks.
NAT: a shipping company that will have a fleet of 14 cargo ships by 2010. NAT makes about 9000 dollars every day per boat($180000 total daily).


Krys72599 said...

I know NOTHING about stocks, the market, etc., and I am totally intimidated, at 47 (almost 48) years of age, that you know so much and are so successful at it!
I'm going to lurk around, watch your investments for a while, then perhaps I'll do the Updown thing and practice...
Keep us posted as to your success...
Where did you learn it all?!?

Aaron said...

I learned most of the stuff that i nkow from my dad.thanks for the comment!

Miss Hope said...

Dude, you're over my head at the moment. I did the stock thing back in college...kind of how you're doing...but can't remember most of it. At that time, I believe it was R. J. Reynolds (not postive) where I made most of my money.

Mema said...

Aaron you are a whiz! I will get grandpa Tom on here tonight and he's going to be impressed. Maybe he will learn a thing or two too! He is pretty smart when it comes to stocks, but we never have the extra money to invest. We move things around a little but, that's about it.
Thumbs UP!!

Michelle said...

Smart one aren't you...this is my husbands area...kinda makes me feel like I'm back in college..yuck!

Keep it are showing real promise!

Anonymous said...

You are really smart! You probably have got a great career ahead of you. Sorry, I don't know much about stocks and such. I know enough to stay out of debt...that's pretty much it! ;)